What About Your Existing Themes on New Xbox Experience?
Product: Themes on Xbox Experience
Company: Microsoft
Date: 07/17/2008
Avaliable On:

Not surprisingly, the unveiling of the new Xbox 360 interface has caused a lot of interest, as well as some interesting questions.

One of the questions Microsoft's been hearing a lot of at E3 is how existing themes you've bought from Xbox LIVE Marketplace will work with the new Xbox experience. The design team has provided this Xbox LIVE Marketplace "Themes" mock up to give you an idea of how it's going to work. Basically, your wallpapers from the themes will serve as a background and the new interface will appear above it.

They also report that they've gotten a lot of questions about the Game Detail Pages. There are mock ups for a couple of them on the Microsoft 360 interface Flickr site, as well.

Geck0 aka Robert Perkins

GameVortex PSIllustrated